The Art of Design: Interviews to game designers #1 – Leo Colovini

2 Febbraio 2011 0

Hi gamers! Here I am again with a new series of interviews. Since I really think designing a game is an art (if you could understand Italian I would recommend you to read “L’arte del gioco” from Emilano Sciarra, the designer of Bang! – published by Mursia), I will try to discover the style, the “sign”, of famous designers by talking with them about their games. Of course, since I’m quite patriotic, I’ll start with the Italians but soon I’ll move around the world. So, if you are a designer, behave! Someday you could find an email from Liga in your box!

I started with Leo Colovini, one of the greatest Italian designers with more than 50 games published in 25 years of work! This means that he designed games when I was just taking my first steps in the boardgaming world!

Leo Colovini was interviewed by me also in the “Cosa Bolle in Pentola?” series published on Boardgamenews. I really hope Eric could retrieve this interview from the ashes of his great web site! I have uploaded it also on

During the interview we will discover Leo Colovini style/sign is “the most possible depth with the least rules“. Let us know if you agree …

Read the complete interview on Opinionated Gamers

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