L’Arte dell’Inventare Giochi: Antoine Bauza

L’Arte dell’Inventare Giochi: Antoine Bauza

11 Aprile 2012 0

Ecco la diciasettesima intervista per la serie “l’Arte dell’Inventare Giochi”, che sto conducendo per il sito Opinionatedgamers.com.

Scopo di questa serie è iniziare ad esplorare la relazione che esiste tra l’arte ed il lavoro di un autore di giochi: può un autore di giochi da tavolo essere considerato un artista ? O è solo un buon artigiano ? Quale è lo stile di ogni autore, la sua “firma” ? Esistono delle vere e proprie scuole di design ?

In quest’articolo l’intervista ad Antoine Bauza, probabilmente uno dei taklenti emergenti del mondo del gioco da tavolo, vincitore prima dello SDJ con Dixit e l’anno dopo del nuovo KDJ con 7 Wonders.

It was really a long time I was missing here on opinionatedgamers with interviews and reviews. The reason was that I was much busy in organizing PLAY: The Games Festival, the Italian greatest gamers event with more than 20,000 visitors in two days and really an huge amount of events, publishers, associations and things to manage.

In the meanwhile I was able to start some interview: here the one to Antoine Bauza, probably one of the new raising stars in the boardgames designing with really impressive releases in the last years like 7 Wonders, Takenoko, Mistery Express and Ghost Stories.

Antoine is part of a not yet well defined French School. He says “Theme always drive my work!” and also “I try to play as many games as I could,”, that unluckily it doesn’t happens so often. Talking about where the theme of his games came from he says “Inspiration could come from everywhere, that’s the magic of it!”.

I think there is enough to make you interested in reading the full interview. See you, I hope, in the next days.

Read the full interview on Opinionatedgamers.com web siteIt was really a long time I was missing here on opinionatedgamers with interviews and reviews. The reason was that I was much busy in organizing PLAY: The Games Festival, the Italian greatest gamers event with more than 20,000 visitors in two days and really an huge amount of events, publishers, associations and things to manage.

In the meanwhile I was able to start some interview: here the one to Antoine Bauza, probably one of the new raising stars in the boardgames designing with really impressive releases in the last years like 7 Wonders, Takenoko, Mistery Express and Ghost Stories.

Antoine is part of a not yet well defined French School. He says “Theme always drive my work!” and also “I try to play as many games as I could,”, that unluckily it doesn’t happens so often. Talking about where the theme of his games came from he says “Inspiration could come from everywhere, that’s the magic of it!”.

I think there is enough to make you interested in reading the full interview. See you, I hope, in the next days.

Read the full interview on Opinionatedgamers.com web site

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