Keyflower: prima impressione
Gioco di aste e piazzamento lavoratori con una meccanica nuova e ben riuscita. I lavoratori sono utilizzati anche per le aste (sono a tutti gli effetti la “moneta” di questa gioco). Ogni giocatore parte con una tessera villaggio casa e man mano nel corso della partita ingrandirà il suo villaggio con le tessere vinte nelle aste. Ogni tessera villaggio permette di eseguire una particolare azione e può dare punti vittoria a fine partita.
I lavoratori utilzzati per le aste o sulle tessere villaggio non proprie a fine turno sono persi mentre tutti i lavoratori presenti su tessere del proprio villaggio vengono recuperati per il turno successivo.
La peculiarità del gioco è che in una stagione, sulla stessa tessera (sopra, per fare azioni, o all’esterno, per aggiudicarsela con l’asta) possono essere giocati solo lavoratori dello stesso colore: il primo lavoratore giocato determina il colore.

Ci sono davvero tante altre meccaniche interessanti nel gioco come quella della produzione delle risorse e del miglioramento delle tessere villaggio ma il punto di forza secondo me risiede in questo meccanismo misto di aste/piazzamento con i lavoratori come moneta. I lavoratori sono presenti in 4 diversi colori: 3 disponibili normalmente e il quarto solo grazie a tessere speciali.
La partita scorre bene e rallenta solo nel finale quando entrano in gioco le tessere che danno punti vittoria in base alle risorse possedute: occorre un po’ di tempo per capire ed organizzare la mossa migliore.
Bel gioco con una meccanica che ben amalgama aste e piazzamento lavoratori. Interessante per chi ama giochi con poco fattore casuale e che necessitano di pensare e pianificare.
| Designer | Sebastian Bleasdale, Richard Breese |
| Artist | Juliet Breese, Jo Breese, Gemma Tegelaers |
| Publisher | R&D Games, Arclight Games, Czacha Games, Dice Realm, Ediciones MasQueOca, Fabrika Igr, FoxMind, Game Harbor, Game Salute, Gigamic, HUCH!, Quined Games, Red Glove, Swan Panasia Co., Ltd., WoodCat |
| Year Published | 2012 |
| # of Players | 2 - 6 |
| User Suggested # of Players | Best with 6 players
Recommended with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 players
(440 voters) |
| Playing Time | 120 |
| Mfg Suggested Ages | 12 and up |
| User Suggested Ages | 12 and up (67 voters) |
| Language Dependence | No necessary in-game text (73 voters) |
| Category | City Building, Economic, Renaissance, Territory Building, Transportation |
| Mechanic | Auction / Bidding, Auction: Fixed Placement, Auction: Multiple Lot, Constrained Bidding, End Game Bonuses, Hexagon Grid, Modular Board, Network and Route Building, Ownership, Selection Order Bid, Set Collection, Tile Placement, Turn Order: Auction, Variable Set-up, Worker Placement, Worker Placement, Different Worker Types |
| Expansion | Brettspiel Adventskalender 2018, Keyflower: Beekeeper, Keyflower: Boat 7, Keyflower: Delivery Man, Keyflower: Developer, Keyflower: Emporium & Monument, Keyflower: Key Celeste, Keyflower: Keymelequin, Keyflower: Keyside, Keyflower: Sorcerer, Keyflower: Storyteller, Keyflower: Talton Lodge, Keyflower: The Farmers, Keyflower: The Glade, Keyflower: The Glade in Winter, Keyflower: The Merchants, Keyflower: Trader |
| Family | Components: Player Screens, Crowdfunding: Kickstarter, Digital Implementations: Board Game Arena, Digital Implementations: Tabletopia, Game: Keyflower, History: Age of Discovery, Series: Key (Richard Breese), Series: Master Print (Quined), Theme: Colonial |
| Primary Name | Keyflower |
| Alternate Names | キーフラワー, 大五月花號, 奇伍德花季号, 키플라워 |
Infos courtesy of More Infos.

Game of
bid and
worker placement with a solid mechanic.
Workers are used also for the bid (they are the “money” of the game). Every player start with just a village home tile and during the game will increase his own village with tiles won in the auction.
Every tile has an associated action and some tiles score victory points in the end.
Worker used for the auctions and for actions on not owned village’s tiles are lost but all the workers on tiles in your own village are taken for the next turn.
In a season on and around the same tile are allowed workers of just one single color: the firt player playing on a tile will decide the color for all other players.

There is a lot more in the game like resources production and tiles upgrades but, in my opinion, the reals strength of the game is in this mixes auction/woerker placement using workers as currency. Worker are of 4 different colors: 3 available for all the pkayers and one color that came in play thanks to some special tile’s effect.
The game plays well and just in the last season the game slow down because are in play tiles offering victory points according to the resources owned ,,,and it is not easy!
Nice game that wisely mix auctions and workers placement. A sure hit for gamers looking for something with almost no randomness and a lot of planning.
| Designer | Sebastian Bleasdale, Richard Breese |
| Artist | Juliet Breese, Jo Breese, Gemma Tegelaers |
| Publisher | R&D Games, Arclight Games, Czacha Games, Dice Realm, Ediciones MasQueOca, Fabrika Igr, FoxMind, Game Harbor, Game Salute, Gigamic, HUCH!, Quined Games, Red Glove, Swan Panasia Co., Ltd., WoodCat |
| Year Published | 2012 |
| # of Players | 2 - 6 |
| User Suggested # of Players | Best with 6 players
Recommended with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 players
(440 voters) |
| Playing Time | 120 |
| Mfg Suggested Ages | 12 and up |
| User Suggested Ages | 12 and up (67 voters) |
| Language Dependence | No necessary in-game text (73 voters) |
| Category | City Building, Economic, Renaissance, Territory Building, Transportation |
| Mechanic | Auction / Bidding, Auction: Fixed Placement, Auction: Multiple Lot, Constrained Bidding, End Game Bonuses, Hexagon Grid, Modular Board, Network and Route Building, Ownership, Selection Order Bid, Set Collection, Tile Placement, Turn Order: Auction, Variable Set-up, Worker Placement, Worker Placement, Different Worker Types |
| Expansion | Brettspiel Adventskalender 2018, Keyflower: Beekeeper, Keyflower: Boat 7, Keyflower: Delivery Man, Keyflower: Developer, Keyflower: Emporium & Monument, Keyflower: Key Celeste, Keyflower: Keymelequin, Keyflower: Keyside, Keyflower: Sorcerer, Keyflower: Storyteller, Keyflower: Talton Lodge, Keyflower: The Farmers, Keyflower: The Glade, Keyflower: The Glade in Winter, Keyflower: The Merchants, Keyflower: Trader |
| Family | Components: Player Screens, Crowdfunding: Kickstarter, Digital Implementations: Board Game Arena, Digital Implementations: Tabletopia, Game: Keyflower, History: Age of Discovery, Series: Key (Richard Breese), Series: Master Print (Quined), Theme: Colonial |
| Primary Name | Keyflower |
| Alternate Names | キーフラワー, 大五月花號, 奇伍德花季号, 키플라워 |
Infos courtesy of More Infos.