Father in the Messe: Top 10

24 Ottobre 2012 2

Here we are with our last report of the Father in the Messe series. We really hope you liked mine and Caterina report of this convention. If you are a father gamer I really suggest you to think about attending a Convention together with your sons. Maybe it could be Vienna Spielefest or PLAY: The Games Festival (in this case you, for sure, will meet me and Caterina!).

Of course me and Caterina play games all the year and I hope to be able to post some more reports and reviews of the games (bought or received from publishers) we played: here, if something of interest for all or somewhere else (maybe on my blog or BGG) if something already seen here.

It is now time of lists, results, GeekBuzz, Fairyplay … so here our top 10 (actually my top 10 and Caterina top 7 … asking why she says “this are the games I would like in my top 10” and I wasn’t able to change her decision, not asserting that, usually, a top 10 is made of 10 games … anyway in the end I added the 3 games she ranked higher during the Messe … but only the first 7 are really in Caterina’s top 10! Crazy!).

Caterina top 7 + 3 games added according to her votes

1. Courtier by AEG
10 cum laude! A fantastic game that make you really feel in the intricate world Tempest universe

2. Homesteaders by Quined Games
10. Really fantastic! The perfect game for an after dinner with gamers!

3. Fairy Land by Lo Scarabeo
9.5 Wonderful the art and the game is great as much! I really liked it

3. Potion-Making Practice by RightGames LLC
9.5 it was fun and I enjoyed playing it!

5. Desperados by Argentum Verlag
9.5 Fantastic! Really fluent and challenging but I suggest to play it with people speaking your language because there is a lot of interaction

6. Escape by Queen Games
9.5 It is the perfect game when you need to dissolve stress and tension

7. Aztlan by Ares Games
9 The game works really well and it is really funny

I added this 3 games because I think that a top 10 needs 10 games

8. Urbania by Mayfair Games
“10 I’m without words (actually something really unusual for her): I liked it really much”

9. Love Letter by AEG
9 Quick but not trivia with many things to think about and also a small random effect

10. Ark & Noah by Placentia Games
8.5 Nice and funny. A good candidate for Spiele des Jahres. Always the impression to need more actions for doing all the things desired.

and here my top 10. I have include also Essen’s releases I have played before Essen thanks to copy already bought. But I still have an huge amount of games to play, including the ones that have got the best Essen’s ratings and all the sci-fiction games Caterina made me miss in Essen!!!!

1. Courtier by AEG

2. Sheepland by Cranio Creations

3. Fairy Land by Lo Scarabeo

4. Aztlan by Ares Games

5. Seasons by Asmodee

6. Libertalia by Asmodee

7. Urbania by Mayfair Games

9. Shadows over Camelot the Card Game by Days of Wonder

10. Card City by Ludibay

2 comments on “Father in the Messe: Top 10
  1. Guido Fantoni

    Caro Andrea,
    complimenti per il tuo bel reportage ma soprattutto per la simpaticissima Caterina (anche mia figlia si chiama così..). Immagino con quanta gioia, divertimento e sodddisfazione tu abbia goduto dei giorni trascorsi ad Essen (io sono ancora fermo a Lucca e Modena) che francamente ti ho molto invidiato! Dalle vostre recensioni siamo molto vicini anche come gusti ludici e quindi ho fugato i miei dubbi su Fairy land e Sheepland che sicuramente torneranno a casa con me da Lucca Games. Più sorpreso il successo che avete decretato a Courtier, che comunque avevo già inserito nella mia “observation list” ma che, evidentemente, devo spostare fra i “must have”. A questo proposito puoi ricordarmi se la Alderac abbia già un canale distributivo italiano?
    Nella speranza di poterti conoscere presto, ti rinnovo i miei complimenti per tutto il lavoro che svolgi e, da fan di Caterina, spero tu voglia porgerle i miei più calorosi saluti.
    Ciao e di nuovo grazie

    24 Ottobre 2012 Reply
    • ludologo

      Ciao, grazie per i complimenti. Se non fossi impegnato dietro le quinte suggerirei senz’altro PLAY come fiera adatta a fare un giro con i bimbi (un po’ meno caotica di Lucca ed Essen e più vivibile).
      Per quel che riguarda i giochi calcola che tranne per Sheepland e Fairy Land (che abbiamo già giocato numerose volte) le nostre classifiche si baano principalmente su una (al massimo due) partite per ora …

      AEG in Italia ha avuto alcuni giochi tradotti da GiochiUniti/Stretelibti (Thunderstone) ma a quanto mi hanno detto ad Essen (quando li h sentiti io) per la serie di giochi nel mondo di Tempest non hanno ancora un accordo con editori/distributori Italiani. Courtier ha un po’ di testo nelle carte potere ma si riesce comunque a giocarlo bene.

      Buon gioco

      24 Ottobre 2012 Reply
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