Essen Preview #29: Dragon Rage & Rumble in the Dungeon (Flatlined Games)

Essen Preview #29: Dragon Rage & Rumble in the Dungeon (Flatlined Games)

10 Ottobre 2012 0

In the crowd of small publishers attending Essen 2012 there is one that caught my attention last year with a small but really nice release, Rumble in the House, I reviewed here months ago.

This year Flatlined Games will strike Essen again with Rumble in the Dungeon. This is a stand-alone game that can be combined with Rumble in the House: it will take Rumble in the House to a dungeon setting with a new twist: a treasure chest hidden in the depths of the dungeon, filled with riches and glory!

What few people knows is that between Essen 2011 and Essen 2012 Flatlined Games released a great small wargame, Dragon Rage, a new edition of a 1982 success that will be also available in Essen this year: so, for Essen, is actually a novelty. Actually it was also in Essen 2011 but, as far as I know, there were only demo copies.

I was lucky enough to get a copy of it and here is my preview after some (few) plays.

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