L’Arte dell’inventare giochi: Fridemann Friese

16 Ottobre 2011 0

Questa è la 12 intervista per la serie l’Arte dell’inventare Giochi: Interviste agli autori di giochi, che sto realizzando per il sito OpinionatedGamers.com

Presto le interviste, in Italiano, saranno pubblicate su questo sito, a partire dalla prima fatta a Leo Colovini.In this interview I’m going to ask about art and design to Friedemann Friese, a designer that absolutely is trying to characterize his games with a common style and mark. Green and F are not the only things common in his designs. Friedemann told me “One of my main parts in designing games was, that I really enjoyed the ameritrash games for their themes and the euros for their mechanics and I always tried to combine this, to take the best of two worlds.” and also, “Art is coming from a strong energy inside of you and has do be done, because it has to be done, for no other reason.“. Friedeman Friese is another designer that work in the great creative space that lies between “Ameritrash” and “Euros”, trying to cathc the best from both. Here my interview:

[Liga] Dear Friedemann, with this series of interviews I’m trying to explore the world of game designers with the idea that designing games is a form of art, no more ore less than writing books or casting movies. What we try to do together is, looking through your production, to find your style, your special sign, common traits in your games, of course something beyond the green
Of course Power Grid is probably your most popular game, ranked 5 in BGG and also supported by several expansions.
According to BGG you got published more than 50 games (including expansions) in something close to 20 years of career, starting from Landlord, a 1992 releases. You also got good response from Fauna, Fearsome Floors and Funny Friends. Is there any game you are particularly proud of and why ?

Read the full interview on OpinionatedGamers web site

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